
Showing posts from December, 2017

Complex Brain Tumor Surgery in India

A brain tumor is a mass of tissue that forms in any part of the brain due to the accumulation of abnormal cells. The normal cycle of a cell in the body involved its production, aging, then death and replacement by other cells. This is not the case for tumors as the cycle is disrupted making the tumor cells to grow despite not being needed by the body. The reasons behind the formation of brain tumors are unknown to medical practitioners. However, some risk factors have been researched on and have been found to increase the chances of someone getting a brain tumor. For instance, children that are exposed to radiation in the head are highly likely to develop tumors as adults, the case is the same for people who have some rare genetic conditions like Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Top neurosurgeons in Gurgaon , however, express this as a fraction that also as a degree of uncertainty because not all people exposed to these risk factors end up developing brain tumors. Tumors can be classif